Recent content by nicolebella

  1. N

    Vaping (smoking an electronic cigarette)

    Do any of you guys vape? my husband has cut his smoking by over half by switching to an electronic cig and we bought some flavored non nicotine juices for me to play around with, i enjoy them and the chocholate flavored ones seem to curb the urge to grab candy lol
  2. N

    Being a cam model and beauty YouTuber

    I want to start a beauty channel for fun, but I'm worried about someone recoginzing me from porn. I know that you shouldn't cam unless you're not afraid of people finding out, but that's easier said than done. I think being successful at camming make people finding out easier and I have not...
  3. N

    Someone knows my name. Help

    Idk how they got it. I found him on SM. He has my email and has sent me gift cards for Amazon. I don't let him buy stuff from my wishlist.
  4. N

    No Fap Challenge for Men

    Have you guys heard of it? I've looked into a little bit and now I feel a little bad. I feel like a ton of men would benefit from "no fapping". Obviously, it is not my fault if people have a porn addiction. But researching it just made me feel a little weird? Like I could be considered a drug...
  5. N

    You better hide your credit card said the mailman

    Like many cam girls, I get a lot of gifts and gift cards. So, in turn, I get a ton of packages delivered to my apartment. Today my partner opened the door to collect my packages. The mailman said to him, "You better hide your credit card from her." First of all, fuck you. I use my money...
  6. N

    Music and other hobbies - models lifestyle

    Dear all, As I am not for a long time in the industry I am really eager to know and understand better models lifestyle. It's nothing related to work - I am just curious what type of music are you listening to in your free time or what other hobbies do you have? I love hip hop music and...
  7. N

    Sexuality, Shame, Camming, and Telling Others

    I am curious if anyone else has similar experiences to me? I grew up in a conservative area and went to a Catholic school, so any orientation other than straight was looked at with great disgust. In high school, a couple girls stole my journal and discovered I am bisexual. They beat me up for...
  8. N

    The life as a camgirl

    This made me laugh and so true!
  9. N

    How to stay hair free?

    So when perving on Twitter, I notice almost every picture (unless it's suppose to be there) of ones biscuit are 100% hair free. How is this possible? Am I just doing it wrong? Do I just fail as a female?! I can't for the life of me get that smooth or hair free, I always have stragglers or...
  10. N

    Pixie's Giggle Corner

    Thought i would start a topic to contain jokes, or anything that tickles me inside.
  11. N

    Are you an escort?

    As an escort, I would be happy to meet other professional companions from around the world. So if you count into this, please leave a comment with how long you have been an escort, how you started and what you are saving up for.
  12. N

    What do you want on your cam site that would make you happy?

    Okay, again I can't stress enough, and I know you have heard this a lot, but we do want to be a site for the Performer. We are very active here and want to hear what you have to say. We are also taking a poll Our site is a Bahama stylized casino theme. There will be several casino style games...
  13. N

    Looking for a Female Friend in SoCal!

    Hi guys, So basically I'm looking for a female friend I can talk to about work and life lol. My "real" friends just don't really get it and aren't that open. I'd love to hangout with other camgirls in the area and chat, share experiences, go get drinks or whatever. People that understand the ups...
  14. N

    Skype Problem

    Hello everyone ..Don't know if is the right place ..But there are some problems with skype this days ..It only happens here , in Romania ? or is everywhere ? What other apps do you use to communicate ?rather than skype.. (cry) thanks
  15. N

    Breakup on birthday...

    Feel kinda lame posting but what the hell. It's my birthday and my relationship of 6 years ended. Same person I met at 19 and I'm 25 now. The only person I've know my adult life. It hurts so much and I feel so betrayed.