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  1. M

    Holding Me Back - Please help!

    I don't know what to do, I've been living with a room mate for 6 months now, and he doesn't know what I do. In fact I've been hesitant to tell him what I do as he's a total 'Slut-Shamer'. No respect for women, honestly he thinks I'm the only one who should have to clean the house, and constantly...
  2. M

    If a woman works in the adult industry, can she be a good mother?

    A misrepresentation of the porn-star mother perseveres. People might imagine a coked-out, troubled adult actress portrayed as an unfit mother because of her career. But in reality, just because a mother has worked or currently works in the adult industry, doesn't mean she can't be a good parent...
  3. M

    Sex Toys That Don't Exist

    SO, they make all kinds of masturbation aids for men in the shape of women's body parts, or women's body parts mashed together in some kind of Lovecraftian hole-creature. And they make vibrating dick-shapes for women - but WHERE oh where are the man-hand shaped vibrators? Maybe this is too...
  4. M

    "Coming out"?

    It's not that I am embarrassed about being a cam girl, because I'm not. To those that know that I am, I am open and honest and don't really think of it as something that I need to hide. However, I decided that as long as I live here in Japan, I am gonna keep quiet about it to the people that I...
  5. M

    I need to get some things off my chest.

    I'm sorry, but I am slightly freaking out and need to get some things off my chest. Feel very free to ignore this (although any encouragement is very welcome). So, I am not sure how I did it, but yesterday I finally got my hands on a plane ticket to London and the departure is tomorrow.. I am...
  6. M

    Making the Perfect Profile.

    So I just recently joined mfc, and I was noticing on profiles (not just there) girls had these graphic banner thingies. (My rules, My videos, ect) I guess I'm just NOT connecting where/ how they are making these! Please help, I'm SO confused. Where do you find where to make these?! Any other...
  7. M

    Anyone Up for a Holiday Gift Exchange?

    Just a thought. It would be fun to do a gift exchange for the holidays. Most of us already have wishlists set up, and wouldn't be nice to get and give something for the holidays? Here's how it would work, we'd set up a gift exchange thread, have interested parties reply with a note of what...
  8. M

    Random but need to get it off my chest(non cam related)

    Im sorry guys/gals but this issue has been bothering me for quite some time. This is no where near cam related and not sure where else to post this other than on here. *sighs* To make a long story short, my boytoy and I have been in a "relationship" for 3 years and his family never acknowledges...
  9. M

    Have any of you had something like this happen?

    It has happend to me twice now. I was very mystified the first time it happend. Here's the jist of it. One night while working and leaving a private I noticed my cameras light was still on. I thot it to be strange. Anyhow.. while checking and editing my vids the next day all my time was used up...
  10. M

    Need advice

    Having terrible financial troubles... was planning to take a break from camming because I am pregnant (4 months along), but find myself having money issues and I need to move because my new home has mold - so I have to move! alas, no money to move... Need help! Any suggestions or advice would...
  11. M

    Free customize profile on MFC?

    So I have a dilemma. I S-U-C-K at computer stuff. But I don't have the funds right now to actually look something up and buy it to customize my profile on mfc. Does anyone actually know any free sites or the like natured tips to help?
  12. M

    Other girls in Tokyo?

    Hello and welcome to my wanted ad...... Seriously though, I feel really lonely over here in Tokyo, so I was just wondering if there are any other girls over here? Perhaps interested in doing a girl-on-girl show at some point as well, but mostly I just want someone to hang out with, that is in...
  13. M

    do you ever take a day off?

    I don't mean from camming. I mean from the support sites as well. Or does your whole life revolve around camming? I haven't been online since Friday night. I'm just curious. I need a day or two off to not think about work and just forcus on my family.