content software

  1. M

    Software that Deletes your Content if it is Reposted?

    Hi there! I have heard a lot about this software or bot of some sort that streams the internet constantly for any of your content and deletes it if it has been reposted by someone. Can anyone direct me to this software, or one similar? I would be so grateful, thank you all
  2. Imperiallily

    Free editing software for content?

    I am trying to improve my videos and I have a lot of guys tell me I should get into editing my videos. I can’t afford the software at the moment though. Does anyone have any good recommendations on free editing software I can use?
  3. ArubaJasmine

    Social Media Promotion & Content Software

    Hi cammies! I recently found out about Hootsuite and it looks like a pretty awesome tool for managing the variety of social media accounts a lot of us use. My questions are: Have you used Hootsuite/ other social media content management software and what are your thoughts? If you don't use it...