
  1. S

    Barely Hairy.

    Haha, I thought that was funny, but I'll admit, I'm a hairly lady. Especially in my yani region. Usually I don't shave, well. As the months get colder I shave less and less. I also find that the many methods that I've tried and have choosen, I know hwat I like but y body really doesn't like any...
  2. S

    Girls, do you like the man hairy or shaved?

    When I was going thru the fetish topic I saw a few girls who like the man hairy, I shave everything armpits,chest willy and behind.. not the legs, this is going to far for me I started with this from 16 or 17, just feels nicerSmiley (notme) so, who like em hairy and who dont??