Amazon Wislist - How do you tell if gift item is being sent?


Full Member
So I had this sub guy purchase something from my wishlist. The problem is there is nothing in orders, or anywhere on Amazon that tells me that he has actually purchased this item.

I know about the filter on you wishlist that shows you if anything has been purchased. The item is there....but how do I know that Amazon are actually going to fulfill the order?

He asked to buy a gift rather than use a gift card to pay for a show...Does this mean I've been scammed? Do you girls accept gifts as payment for shows, or is this a big no no? It was purchased on the 28th but no messages from Amazon saying an order is being shipped. How do I tell if this guy actually bought the item? Is it possible for someone to purchase the item and not pay? like, if the guy gets the item then after the show cancels the order....can they do this?

Really confused as I've never had anyone buy anything from my wishlist...I think I've just been scammed, oh well all he got to see was tits at least. Considering removing Amazon as a payment method since this will now be the second time I've been scammed on Amazon. Weeks ago a guy put $500 into an amazon allowance, I kind of knew it was dodgy when he set the date for a week away. Luckily I only messaged him a few times and didn't give a show, because of course once payment day came that money was no where to be seen.
How do I not get scammed and still use amazon as a payment method for shows?