Another sweet site for accessories


Sr. Member
So we all know how expense outfits, nylons, garters, wigs..etc can get..

Well get Aliexpress app. Now you are buying whole sale right from China so if you are in a hurry probably not the route you want to go, but if you can wait a few weeks I highly recommend it. Stockings 2.00. Free Shipping. cheap cheap..

It's like the ebay of China- sort of.

Couple of tips:

Language barrier - when searching get creative.. the English/Chinese translation doesn't always compute. For example my partner was looking for a dog toy that held water. We found it searching Dog Sex Ball. You know what I mean?

Most shipping is free.. when you start to buy more than one item they may charge, the good news is you can order one send it through, order one again send it through and completely bypass the shipping charges.

Like ebay look for sellers that have stars and reviews.

We've only had a problem once and even with the language barrier we were refunded immediately.

This is a great site for not only industry goods, but life goods. I highly recommend it!