Balancing Day Job With Camming


Sr. Member
Just needing to vent a bit.

I'm a T-girl just getting started into camming. I'm waiting to get the letter from my doctor so that I can get my ID with the proper gender marker on it. That means that I can't become age verified until then. No big deal. I started camming on Chaturbate as an exhibitionist to get a feel of things and see if I was cut out to do something like this. And I do like it. I do have the jitters and all but the ego boost is just plain awesome!!! lol.

The problem I have though is that this is the peak season for my day job. I'll be working 50 and 60 hour weeks for the next three weeks at least. Then it will slow way down again. Right now I'm really wanting to cam, but I'm so tired and drained after work to want to get all dressed and made up to go online. Especially since I am camming for free right now. But on the other hand I don't want to lose the glow of being a new girl. I would like to be able to get past the jitter stage before I can start asking for tips as well. I don't want to lose the attention of the few followers I picked up either. I could go on during my day off. But it wouldn't be a late show or very long ( 30 - 60 min). At least until my daytime schedule loosens up. Would it make much difference since I'm just starting out? Thanks for any thoughts.