If they let you go immediately, which I doubt. Literally anything is better than making 20% on Streamate though. That is about half your normal earnings that are disappearing to some jackass' wallet. Close that account immediately, even if you have to wait 6 months to sign again. There's a lot of other ways and sites to make money on in the meantime.
As for customers when you start over, making near double the money with a new account (and knowing what you know now) is still better than making half with an old account. Your regulars will find you again, and your placement will be back up to old levels in a week or two. SM has a very different formula for placement than mfc, and old accounts don't have any advantage that I've noticed.
The only downside to starting over, that I've seen, is that you will need to get your star ratings back up to get your gold shows back. This can take a week or 3.