Best way to start


Sr. Member
Hi, what is the best thing to do when you JUST start, please?
As I get you need to wait and see how it goes, who visits the room, etc... is it wise to start with a tip menu from minute 1?
Is the Goal the best option? As in top-off goal, etc.?

Also, I would like to cam with my boyfriend on the first week at least one day or two.
How do you go about couple sessions?
Sit around waiting to be tipped to 'take action'?

Please tell me if it is dumb idea but I was thinking...what about basically make love (well, have sex, lol) as we normally do with no menu and just hope that people likes it and tip?
Am I crazy and clueless?

Thank you :)


Sr. Member
Hi hun, I can't comment on the couple part but there is a girl called Capryce on here that I know has experience on camming with bf. And others will too.

For starting, I would certainly have a tip menu ready from the beginning. I always make sure mine is updated everyday before I go on, I change things on different days and do new countdowns but always ready so that the minute I turn on my cam everyone knows whats happening in my room.

Personally I would not just start doing full on sex acts and wait to be tipped. I would do a tip menu for an amount for each action and pvts for perhaps full on sex. Again, someone experienced with couple camming would know more but I think if you just go on and straight away have sex people are going to have that for free and be less inclined to tip you.

Good luck!