cable vs fiber internet and obscure problem with some sites


Jr. Member
Im planing to move in the future to new apartment and to cam from my place, but Im having so much questions, about internet. Right now im using cable internet and my upload speed is 5.1 but im having problems with working on sites as xmodels and vxtool i dont know why but nobody come in my chat room ( im not talking about shows , there was just none ) my connection is good and support also said me that everything is ok. Recently i tried to cam with stick usb internet just for fun when i was at the coast (3 uploads) and i have normal at xmodels after 3 mouths of absolutely empty chat room. That is really obscure.
could my cable provider be a problem,or the cable internet as unstable internet service? Could be some electromagnetic interference?
i dont want to risk to move in new appartment with the same internet and have same problem and also fiber as an option is available on really small area of my town.
living in the third world county .... yeeey :)

sorry for typos im not native , im naive.
hey there! i see your post is from 2014!!! way tooo long time
but felt like to answer!
first of all im caming in greece which is like a third world country for sure!!!!!!
cable internet is THE BEST FOR us camgirls!
Upload speed at 5.1 is Awesome!!! i wonder why y have issues with broadcasting??
Fiber internet is really awesome your upload speed can easiy boost to 100 mbps!!!!!
I applied for fiber internet on April but those kind of things in greece takes a looooot of time.