Cam Model/Cam Performer: infatuations rant/defense (Gay perspective)


'm gonna try to keep this short sweet and to the point. Also really doubting posting this. But, here goes. I'm really concerned, and vexed right now, and I been lurking AC forums for quite a bit. I'm a very sex positive person. I'm a very positive performance art person. I'm very body positive. I'm very pro sex worker. etc. I work in graphic design, so I'm very liberal minded when it comes to free positivity etc. Although I'm not a cam model myself, it's not my thing personally, I just support the cam model business though etc. Way way way back in the day, in a past life, I may, or may, not have done some Xtube stuff, but I plead the fifth lol.

I'm Black American/African-American, and gay, and I have autism; so I'm the last person to judge. So I'm not saying any of this out of judgment. However, as I said, I'm really plagued and puzzled and concerned over this issue. That I finally decided to register, and offer my point/side, on this very common topic, on being attracted/infatuated, with cam models.

All relationships that are legitimate and not false or sham relationships, are based on attraction. Usually it's mental attraction/commonality/chemistry etc., but let's not kid ourselves, attraction is level pegged towards how someone face looks, how someones body looks, and how their sensuality/sex appeal is etc.

So one common argument I see from these posts is, "How could you be attracted to a cam model?", Which on paper yes, it seems kinda trite. But if you think about it, it's not that uncommon or uncanny. Miscellany, we are also in lockdown times, so doing IRL dating is shutdown. So more natural for us to be drawn to cam model attraction; Also, and there are people, myself included, who feel dating apps are a waste of time, and give false hope, and refrain from using them normally. So yeah.

Also, this is the last point I'm gonna make, as promised, I don't want this to be long, and I'm trying to make this post spicy and intriguing enough, yet concise etc. This particular, titular, tentative, issue, has happened to me, go figure lol.

There is a male cam Chaturbate model (as I'm gay, so I'm attracted to men, obviously lol). He's not that conventionally hunky stud attractive, but he's kinda haggard, like a present day dorky Matthew Perry, Dad Bod/bearish type, with kinda a little gut to him. (I know with male cam models, it's tricky with their appearance, but bear with me etc. lol. I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I'm not that conventionally hunky attractive myself. I kinda look like Billy Porter a bit etc.) He doesn't even know I exist. I like his shows, which I have seen a few of, when I do catch him online. I do look at other guys, but something about him in particular, deadass. lol. I don't know. I am always silent in the chatbox; and I have tipped him a couple times. etc. Although, I only been watching him for about a year and a half, off and on, his profile says he been on Chaturbate for several years, and he's only a few years older than me. (If his birthdate on his profile isn't incorrect). Although he has thousands and thousands of followers, his shows, don't garner that many people, but a moderate amount of people do show up on his shows.

I'm scared you guys might know who he is, like people really into cam models, but I'm not gonna name drop him. So he does his usual show; But he also gets sidetracked very frequently, and rambles and rants very often, and talks about like Sci Fi movies, and Star Wars, and Star Trek, and history and politics. Oh dear, I better stop, as I think some of y'all might know exactly who I'm talking about, although to my knowledge he's not on this board, but still. You guys get the idea.

Anyways, I'm single, I'm lonely. I'm getting older, and it would be nice to have a boyfriend. I just keep thinking how he seems like the perfect guy. I'm just saying how I kinda get it now. Even though I'm gay, and most of the guys making these posts are straight. But I kinda see it now. But nothing is probably gonna happen. I mean I guess I could roll the dice, and try to hit him up and message him. However, I think he's straight, and is aware that gay men watch his shows, but doesn't care etc. Even then, I think realistically, he might be down for something casual (which is very prevalent in the gay community specifically) but nothing serious, if even that etc. But I just wanted to kinda erase the stigma, that it's okay to infatuate and crush on models, like if we didn't feel connected to them, we wouldn't be watching their shows etc.

However, the fact some of you guys are kinda not empathetic to this issue. That's what caused me to bite the bullet, and make this post. I just hate how it's now 2022, so people are finding mates and partners in a variety of ways, and I really hate how being attracted and infatuated with a cam model, is such a taboo or uncanny thing. Even if chances are zilch and impossible of you forming a relationship with them, you miss every shot you don't take, so there is no harm in trying, considering if everyone is normal, and we're just all lonely humans etc. But more on the point on realizing it's not gonna happen, but at least still being empathetic and understanding, of how feelings and infatuations work.

That's all. Part of me will probably regret posting this but oh well. I went back and forth about five times, telling myself to just quit whilst I'm ahead and delete this, but no. I'm gonna post it, and feel free to either agree, disagree, neural, indifferent, any kind of reception, discourse, or input is appreciated. Thank you.


Jr. Member
You realize he's probably straight, just doing cam shows open to attention from gay guys because it pays well. He's been a cam model for a while, as you said. He's good at his job.

If you take a chance and tell him you're into him and want a boyfriend, the chances are greater of you irritating him than landing him as a boyfriend. So that's the risk you take.