Change appearance for camming


Sr. Member
Hi. Ladies,
I was wondering if any of you used wigs, coloured lenses and makeup to change your looks completely. I am Asian, and I will try Gyrau make up to change how I look on cam. Has anyone successfully tried this?


Sr. Member
Extreme hair color & style change using wigs. I get really hot wearing a wig. So if you do too, you might want to have a couple of small fans to keep the air in your room moving to cool you down.

Try using an accent?
There are models who have built a persona around a sexy Southern accent (I think it's the easiest to pull off) Or, since you mentioned being Asian, can you speak with some sort of dialect? Accents throw things off.

If you do use an accent, of course you'll need a 'back story' that you're a sweet Georgia peach, or a Thai girl who blah, blah, blah.... We all need a good backstory to tell again and again anyway. Since you're trying to hide, yours will just be waaaaaay different from anything in your real life.

Adding glasses that you don't normally wear, would also help. I bought a couple of pairs of nice glasses at the 99Cent Store, had my BF punch the lenses out (because I don't need glasses to cam). Glasses kind of cover your features (and because no one wears them any more, there's almost a fetish for them =)