Choosing first camsite as a trans girl in the UK


Full Member
Hey all, I signed up here a couple months back and then went quiet for a while as I moved home and changed jobs twice each.

Right now I think I'm finally in a stable enough situation (with a decent enough web connection) to start planning for my first night on cam, but the range of camsites to choose from is getting a bit overwhelming and it's getting pretty hard to come up with a decent plan, especially with so many sites and advice/review sites being geared toard the US.

So yeah, I'm a confident (well, okay, a little shy around the edges, it's to be my first time), vaguely domme-y and very buff trans woman from the united kingdom. Among other things I'm hoping to build up a following by combining my workout routine with performance (I noticed how often I was falling into some pretty suggestive poses when collapsing on the rug after a long endurance set, not to mention the whole thing of missing my mouth with a bottle of cranberry juice and thinking 'damn, I could market this..." as it ran down beneath my top.)

But I'm having a very difficult time deciding where to start out, where would be best to build a following and how would be best to go about that.

(This new Camscapade place is looking really promising but I'm in two minds about whether it would be the best place to start out.)

If there's anyone, particularly other trans women in the UK, who could suggest sites and pointers, I'd really really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot!