Hero Member
Ladies I need some advice! I do a lot of paid Kik and Skype sessions, which I enjoy because it's more on a personal level. Being a nice and friendly person by Nature however, is causing me problems. I have at least 20 men and I have done a session with once maybe twice, just want to be my friend afterwards and keep messaging me on a daily basis. They want to know how I'm doing, anything new or exciting going on in my life, they offer information and seek advice about problems in their own life, and it is really out of control. The messaging has got to stop and I wished they would just get the idea that I'm not interested in chatting with them for fun I am online to make some money. It's almost as if all of them want me as a free GFE and its draining. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to nicely say please don't message me anymore unless you want a show and want to pay for my time! I have tried just flat-out ignoring them, a lot of them are not getting the hint. I have also tried the approach to come out and say, listen I'm not here to make friends and nighttime spent online needs to be time spent making money not answering friendly chat questions, and they seem to get offended or upset and won't come back for a paid show. Please help! Lol.. they drive me crazy...