Coaxing tips out of customers?


Staff member
I've been camming for a decent amount of time now - about three months. I've never had a problem getting/retaining followers or getting people in my room, I usually have about 40 - 50, half of which are usually premium. But it seems that even though I always start out fully clothed (kinda slutty of course, but still fully clothed) I have a hard time getting tipped for flashes and stuff like that. I always find someone that takes me private.

BUT....any suggestions for coaxing those tips out of the premiums?



Staff member
I know you posted this a while ago so maybe you've already fixed it? But in case you haven't, the only thing I can say in my very short-lived experience so far is if you're on Chaturbate or any camsite that lets you have a mod in your room - definitely utilize them! Chances are they are there because they like you, and want to help promote you in your room! The mods I've had have helped immensely with coaxing tips out of customers, and I play along nice too of course!