So usually I only do customs for your average joe to jerk off with but recently I have been approached more than once on Extralunchmoney about doing some content for them to use on their own commercial site.
This is all new to me. Usually the customs I do I can use on my sites too but these would be exclusive to the buyer's commercial site. What would you charge for commercial stuff? wouldnt you charge more since they will be making money off of it and you cant? what would be a normal amount for something like that? I am open to doing it but no idea what to charge and stuck in that spot of not wanting short change myself but also not wanting to be unrealistic or competitive in my rates
This is all new to me. Usually the customs I do I can use on my sites too but these would be exclusive to the buyer's commercial site. What would you charge for commercial stuff? wouldnt you charge more since they will be making money off of it and you cant? what would be a normal amount for something like that? I am open to doing it but no idea what to charge and stuck in that spot of not wanting short change myself but also not wanting to be unrealistic or competitive in my rates