Dealing with Depression


Jr. Member
My doctor just put me on Zoloft for my anxiety/depression issues. I just started taking it a few days ago, so obviously it hasn't started affecting me. I was wondering how many others are on antidepressants and how they affect you. I keep reading the various side effects that come along with this medicine. One pro: bigger boobs, potentially, which would be great! A con that I read is that it may decrease my sex drive/ability to orgasm. Anyone have any advice or some personal experiences that you are willing to share? I have also been exercising and doing yoga daily to help combat my depression issues, although that only helps a little bit for me. I just read recently that turmeric is a natural antidepressant so I have been trying to cook with that more often.
I have been on zoloft before, quite a while ago so I can't remember exactly. But just about any anti depressant,that told me I would lose sex drive never happened to I am on burpropion (also known as wellburtin) right now 200mg. Probably going to be upped next month. My medicine effects, is keeps you awake in the morning, less urge to smoke (not a cig smoker anyways) and weight lose usually. Lavender, is amazing for depression. I try to have a lavender candle,or I have essential oil that I put on my wrist when I get pretty down. Yoga is good,I do that too. Try to do hard poses,planks or some walks. Whatever keeps your heart rate up will produce seratonin. I hope that helps,if you need anyone to talk to let me know. You can PM me for my skype id,or even my number.