Deleting Accounts To Start Over


Full Member
I am a pretty unreliable person so I have missed the promo period for every site I work on. Now days, I stay at home more often and for longer periods and generally have more privacy than I used to. I have been thinking of deleting all of my accounts and starting over for the promo periods to build traffic and regulars.
Is this cheating? Is this even allowed on sites? What are your thoughts?


Jr. Member
I've had a problem like this with two sites once, because I got sick the day after getting my documents approved and missed the whole "new" status period. I spoke with support about it and one site, they reset my account like if I had just registered. The other one said no. Personally I would speak with the site's support and see if they can just give you the new model status or if deleting your account for this purpose is allowed.