Did my first show... How to emotionally disconnect?


Sr. Member
Hey guys. I'm brand new, fresh and totally green to camming. I've been doing a lot of research the last 2 weeks and watching other camgirls on how to work.

So I finally dived in today for a short first show. I have agoraphobia, which is basically a fear of people (and then some). A lot of the viewers said I was beautiful and one guy tipped me for my pretty nose and pleasant smile. This felt wonderful of course! But there were also comments about how I can't dance and have a bad voice. Ironically, these are my two favorite traits about myself. I love to sing and dance and have always received compliments about both in the past. One person rated me 3/5 stars (I have since blocked the star images so I can't see this in the future... I won't let that get me down). My agoraphobia is taking over and I'm really feeling bad about these comments when I know I shouldn't.

My question is, how do you disconnect yourself from these kinds of remarks that really hit home?

I really like the potential of camming as a job without my disability getting in the way. I love the fact that I can be myself online and not worry if someone is going to try to attack me physically or hurt me. I want to keep camming, but after today I'm having doubts. Should I keep camming? Is it worth it? I won't give up after a couple negative comments; I'll definitely try it again. I would love some tips and any suggestions you have on dealing with hurtful comments.

Thank you!


Sr. Member
Fuck the haters . There will always be people trying to get you down while ur on cam . I think all the cam girls experience this . I have high anxiety and I heard a lot of bad things since I started camming but the only thing you can do is ban/ignore those assholes and carry on with your thing . I mean at the end of the pay period you are the one cashing out all those money . It's a little difficult in the beginning but with time you'll get used to it ! Just focus on the nice people and ignore the others .Good luck girl !


Sr. Member
Ignore the negative and dont rise to it. It will always be there. Some people just get off on seeing how it effects us. Take breaks often and have some nice music on or a good book etc to slowely get used to disconnecting from it. I am sure it will suddenly snap into place one day for you. Think about the $ hehe.

It is great you are watching others to get examples. Keep that up. It will remind you that those idiots are not even worth sparing any thought for. I wouldnt even waste time with replying to the 'Hecklers'. Being via a camera and having a psudeo identity is disconnecting enough.

Good luck! You will be fine.