Fansly scraper app


Source code: 26.3 KB file on MEGA

What's this?

An app that you can use to scrape (save) the posts of Fansly users you're subscribed to, photos and videos.

Can I use it download content for free?

No, you must be subscribed to the user, usually that means you have to pay them. The app can't download content you don't have access to through your Fansly account.

How do I use it?

Download the ZIP file and check the ``. This is the source code, works on any system but you need to know how to use the command line a bit. You also need Go 1.16.

Who wrote this and why?

I did because I needed it.

Why are you sharing it?

So it can help others.

Does it work?

It should. At least, it works with the accounts I am subscribed to. YMMV.

What's the license?


Can you add feature X?

No. But you you have the source code, so you can change it if you want.

Can you help me with using it?

No. But other users may help, see the next two questions.

Can I DM you for help?

No, this is a throwaway account and I already forgot the password.

Why is this not on GitHub?

I don't have the time, desire, or need to support this long-term. On GitHub you would all be opening too many issues asking me how to use it or why it's not working for your specific scenario. I don't have time for that, sorry.

Can I publish it on GitHub?

Sure if you're willing to be a maintainer for it.

Is this legal?

I don't know. It only scrapes stuff you have access to, but I haven't read the Fansly terms of service to see if it's allowed. I doubt people in this forum care much anyways.