Gambling Rules on Myfreecams?


Sr. Member
So tonight I plan to do a Vegas Casino night on MFC and I wanna play red black and black jack. But I noticed that in the wiki page, gambling and lottery isn't allowed. I was just wondering if my idea counted as the gambling.

For bets, I was thinking for red black; low would be 25tks and high would be 50tks. and for black jack, it would include stay, hit, and surrender, since i don't know how to play all of the forms of black jack. there would be 35tk bets to play, and if the member it black jack, then they win a big prize.

I may just get rid of blackjack all together.

My question is: would I get in trouble for doing this vegas night?


Sr. Member
I would guess it's maybe one of those unenforced rules? I guess technically raffles are a form of gambling, and if cam girls weren't allowed to do those then the MFC economy would collapse overnight and sales of raffle tickets and marker pens would plummet to pre-2010 levels, baffling manufacturers and stockists and inspiring dozens of thinkpieces by economists and journalists while leaving thousands of cam girls with dozens of hours of extra free time during their week unsure of what to fill them with. Chaos, in short.