Guest for podcast topic: Polyamory, open relationships and sex work.


Staff member
Hey ladies and gents, I'm recording My third podcast this week, between today and Wednesday. The topics I want to cover include polyamory, open relationships, as concepts on their own, and how they affect those in the adult work industry. I had someone lined up as guest, but unfortunately her schedule may not permit. If any of you are in either type of relationship, and you feel you are knowledgeable on these topics, I'd love to have you as a guest!

This isn't without benefits for you, so you'll know I'm not being selfish :)
- Before the show, we'll go over the format and pertinent topics. The recording of the show, which is done in boudoir format, takes 45 minutes.
- After the show, I'll walk you through the cross marketing that is required for you to benefit from the show. Part of being a guest is that once I make the show live, I start pushing it hard on all My social platforms, including you in the marketing copy. In return, all I ask, is that you do the same for at least, the first day it goes live (usually Thursday).

My last cast got 700 listens/downloads in 5 days, which is a significant leap from the first cast - which didn't do too shabby, all things considered. MamaRedHot has been My guest in the first two episodes, and if you have questions about the experience, I'm pretty sure she won't mind filling you in. I too am open to any concerns or questions you may have.

If you're genuinely interested, please reply here, or send Me an inbox.
Thank you muchly in advance!
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