"help with profile" through someone on twitter


Full Member
I was approached by a person on twitter by the name of @petalUK69 asking if i would like some free help with setting up a nice profile for the sites that I am on .... well she didn't want to do anything over email and said to skype her .. so i did today and she didn't have a cam/mic but wanted me to turn my cam and mic on .... so ok... np.. i can do that ... she proceeds to tell me about some of the games that are played in the rooms and I'm like, yeah, I've heard of those before... and then she says anytime that i would like to make a vid to sell on one of the sites let her know that she will help me with it ... ok suspicious there .. then she says well, since I'm almost done with this .. is it alright to see your sexy body? ... really?? you haven't told me anything that i didn't already know and you don't have a mic/cam so i don't think that is right... so she berates me for wasting her time .. saying i seen her website and the models on it that stated that she did her work.. i said i would gladly let you see my boobs if i can see you as well... she says well you give that out all the time on the chat rooms anyway ... so i disconnected with ?her? not for sure ... just wanted some opinions on this ... this is her twitter page...
sTweetly • Online Twitter Web Viewer... can someone give me some insight?


Full Member
Personally with how easy it is the catfish these days I would say that is a bit sketchy and wouldn't trust it. I only ever even do Skype with clients I've known for awhile because it is very easy to get scammed. If she wasn't willing to turn her mic on I definitely would have kept my cam off because if shes just helping to help there would be zero reason she would need the cam on. There are a lot of scams like that though. I go through a vetting process with anyone that helps out or mods for me. If they're not willing to tip me as a model they're automatically out. If they ask for free shows or try to turn something into a free show, they're out. Just take it as a learning lesson and cut contact and don't let "her" words get you down ^^ There are lots of people good with bios ( I took 2 years of web design so i'm doing my own) and some will do it because they have free time or for a small worth it fee. I'd say never feel bad about aborting a call that in any way makes you uncomfortable. Hope that helps