Hi awesome people!

Long time lurker, just wanted to say hi to everyone! Reading you guys for the past year helped me a lot and wanted to thank you for being awesome! I've been camming for a year now and..it takes a lot out of you. I was wondering if you ever get burned out and how do you deal with it.


Jr. Member
I've been camming for almost 6 years now and I can definitely tell you I've experienced burnout a few times on the way. The hardest part is not taking a break but the worry that being away from streaming will alienate my members. I have noticed through the years though that once you create a good member base they will understand your need for a break and they will "wait" for you.
I'd advise you that whenever you feel like you are close to burnout to take a break. Don't wait until you can't take it anymore, this will make you just want to give up and your absence will be longer9 I experienced this once, not a good thing).
So just take that break, you'll come back with new energy and you'll attract other members, new members, because you will be more relaxed ( and in my case more pleasant )