How do you manage being an adult entertainer and parent?


I don't know if it's the right topic to post this subject on it..
I just want some opinions.
I obviously do this job for money. And without money,life would not have been so good. But,to be honest,i have a 21 years old daughter ,she is psychology student. I hope she will finish her studies and be licensed and she will have her own office oneday maybe or work somewhere where she will be paid enough to live well in a time that maybe i will not exist anymore or i will not be good to earn money.
I don't want my daughter to be involved in this adult entertainment matter the level.
I think it.s really hard to tell her that "don't do what i do!"
Of course you will say. My kids doesn't have to know what i work. My kids are not stupid. If i am on the same internet as they are,they could find my profile or remaining pics or vids oneday. So i suppose we cannot hide forever from them the nature of our work.
Even if i retire and erase all that i posted ,there are sites that copy content,and once it's uploaded we don't have control anymore.I am sure i can't erase all the content.
On one hand ,maybe it's hypocrisy thinking to hide forever the nature of my work. Maybe my child deserves to know the truth about her parents. But in the same time to be neglectful will have some costs(not material costs).
I just wonder myself what porn actors tell to their children at some point about their past jobs.
If my daughter will ever fall into this world it means i failed as a parent.


Staff member
I think you are being really hard on yourself. Your daughter studies psychology, that means she must be a smart girl. So would she ever get into this job she knows what she's doing.
It sounds to me like you are ashamed of your work, it must be very difficult to do then and are you sure this is the right way to earn your money then?
I have a daughter myself, she is still way too young to know (6yo), but when she gets older i wont make a secret of my job, i like it and i am proud of what i do. I will teach her it is very important to respect your own limits and only do what you feel comfortable with.

So if the moment comes she will find out, be carefull you dont give her the idea you did something you didnt want so you could make money to take care of her. That could hurt her a lot.