How else can I support my favorite model?


I recently lost hundreds of dollars in cash being clumsy and forgetful (details are unimportant). Some of it was for personal expenses but I had intended on buying at least a 3775 token package, (7575 if possible after paying certain expenses and bills) on MFC to support my favorite model.

She has had some bad luck and wasn't able to work consistently in December and January at all. I speak with her offline quite a bit and know that she is struggling financially right now (she would never say that on cam) . I wanted for her to be able to get a few hundred dollars on her end from me before this pay period ends to at least help her out a little, especially as it seems the inconsistency resulted in reduced traffic for her during the last few streams and she had to log off early so her camscore wouldn't take a big hit.

I'm a regular tipper of hers, she by no means relies on me but I've always tried to get her show going with tips when I can if it's a slower night, as some don't really tip until they see some action. A tip for a flash, spank, tease, whatever her or there. I also chat and interact with other members and try to make everyone who isn't a regular feel welcome and we joke around a lot.

I feel awful not being able to tip and support my favorite model while she is struggling..I've sent her what I could but it's not a significant amount of tokens (~1200-1300 this pay period).

Does anybody have any ideas of what can be done to help out in other ways? I'm at an absolute loss. Losing that cash hurt me financially a little because I only really needed a fraction of it, most of it was going to go to her in the form of tokens.

Any response would be appreciated.


You don't. You tip what you can. You leave it at that. If she doesn't understand that or demands more, move on.