How lukely is it to make a living camming.


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I'm thinking about camming once I manage to move out of my parents.

I know it's not a get rich quick thing. But I think it's something I actually could like especially if I mixed stuff up. I honestly don't see it as any more degrading than any other job. And as a bonus it won't require putting myself in debt with college. I have the body for it and can have a good personality when I want to.

Anyways I'm wondering how likely is it for someone to be able to afford a basic living like in a small apartment with no dependents camming. I might not even need a car if I ordered things online. Though there is the expense of toys and out fits for camming. Plus having a little spending money would be nice.


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Hello, most of us make a living only from camming and videos. So it shouldn't be too hard for you especially that you "have the body" (which btw is doesn't matter much in the camming world since there's market for skinny, curvy, bbw and anything in between out there, some will feel insulted if you say you need to have a certain type of body in order to be able to cam, but since you're new and still need to learn we'll let this pass).
1st you need to try and see how it goes for you, see what type of sites you like (token sites or ppm), if you also like making content and if so what kind, if you're able to sell goodies (panties and such) and if you can put in the hours (it's known that people who make their own schedule tend to procrastinate and put off stuff just because they can and there's nobody to push them to get things done).
So my advice would be to start before you leave ur parents' because once you leave and rely on camming alone there's no turning back. If you have a good computer all you need is a webcam to start (you can find a new Logitech for about 100$ or a used one for less) toys are outfits are not a must when you begin, fingers work just fine and bra and panties are all you need. Then you can setup a wishlist and get customer buy you the stuff you need.