how much of a delay/lag is normal?


Sr. Member
I never paid attention to lag before so I wonder if it could be hurting me. How much of a delay is expected on a good stream? It looks like about 5-10 seconds between the time I do something and the time I see it on screen. That's frustrating when guys have the attention span of ADHD gnats.

And now that I think about it my download speed is higher than most. And I'm watching from the same PC I'm streaming from. So I don't know if I'm getting an accurate picture of it. My upload is between 14 -17 even though I'm on wifi (I know that's a big NO but the cable just broke) and the picture is clear and not choppy.

Is it possible to have almost no delay? How do you know if yours is average or bad? Would being hardwired again make a noticeable difference? Thanks for any advice.