I need advice on dropped/unfinished shows on skype


Sr. Member
I need some advice from models more experienced than me. The thing is, recently had LOADS of shows that were dropped after like 2-3mins although guys paid for 15-20mins. They say net connection but obviously somebody came into the room;-p

What do you do in that case? I don't want to be a bitch but well, he paid for that moment, not to get the show anytime he wants in the future to finish (for that option I would charge extra).

Still, seems unfair to me to tell them to f... off cause most of the show did not happen actually (if it was like 40% of the total time left I would not be bothered but it's like 80% or more usually) Really in two minds about it.

Was wondering, does it seem fair to arrange finishing off at the time convenient for me and him? Or am I being far too nice and polite?


Sr. Member
You are being too nice. They should have bought the show when they are home alone or whatever...so nothing like that can happen.
Something similar has happened to me twice, and one of the times was actually last night. Guy paid for a session then after like 2/3 of the time, bam..gone. the 1st time i tried contacting him..asking what happened...telling him he still had x min left and i will wait for him for y min, in case his connection dropped or smth. He never came back. I guess he blocked me. The guy from last night..bought 12 mins, he was all like "oh baby u're so good" etc then after 8 min ended the call. i was like...wtf...tried to call him back..busy. i asked what happened..and he deleted me. LOL.
So idk what's wrong with these guys...i'd say..if he gets back to you in a timely manner..sure...do the rest of the show..if it's like more than 1/3 of the time he bought. if he thinks he wants the rest after a few days or weeks...sorry...but it's too late.