I think my stepdad stole my webcam.


Sr. Member
Okay, so I moved a couple weeks ago. Three family members helped me move and my stepdad was one of them.

My webcam was being stored in my TV stand. My mom and stepdad carried my TV stand out, but everything was taken out of the TV stand before carrying it out.

I was taking out smaller stuff during this time, making sure I was not forgetting anything in other rooms. I have since unpacked and put everything away at my new place. I don't really have that much stuff and have gone through everything several times since the move. Literally pulling clothes apart to see if it is in between clothes, etc. Searching places I would never suspect it to be even.

However, it is just gone. It seems like my stepdad to do something shady like this. He has stolen money from me before when I lived with them many years ago. However, I believe his motive was because he thought I maybe used it for something naughty and pocketed it or something so that I couldn't use it.

I work a vanilla job from home and my family knows this. I guess I don't want to confront him about it and am just venting. I would ask them if they saw a webcam when we were moving because I need it for Skype interviews and meetings from home, but they also know I have the webcam on my laptop taped over, so then they might feel confused. I know they would not take me saying my built in laptop webcam is bad quality because they would probably say it shouldn't matter.

I have decided not to confront them about this and just going to buy a new webcam. I guess I just wanted to vent. I don't think I should have to pay $60 to buy a whole new webcam when the one I had worked perfectly. I just hate being stolen from from by my own family just because a creep probably assumed I used it for the "wrong" reasons.

What would you do if you were in my shoes? I can't go back to the old apartment and check again because that lease is up and I know I grabbed everything anyway.