i5 or i7 proccesor


Hello everyone, I got my girlfriend into streaming and we share my desktop to perform together or separately. We are looking at getting her a laptop. Theres a significant price difference between computers with an i5 and i7 processor. On Streamates it does suggest at least an i7.

Would anyone mind telling me how their stream is with an i5 vs i7? Any help or suggestions on decent, affordable laptops would be great.



Jr. Member
I5 or I7 is just a piece of the whole cake .. it says nothing about the speed/load capability .. there is a model number that is important (like I7-10750h)

in general:

Laptop CPUs are less powerfull then desktop (they are build to run on battery)
Desktop PC are better to work with in CamBusiness
Model of CPU depends on usage (for splitcaming i would suggest I7 with at least 6 cores)

and most Important :

The Computer & Webcam is your Tool to work this industry - so dont be cheap on it.