If You Danced Before Camming....


Do you miss dancing or do you do both?

What are the pros and cons you find between dancing and camming?

I have to admit there have been times when I thought about returning to dancing but always so glad that I haven't had to.

There are many benefits about camming from home such as no more being bothered with housefees, no more frustrations over finding something decent to eat when you get hungry, the freedom to use my spaceheater whenever I need it, etc. and not having to put up with asshat managers (depending on what club you're at). I've worked for good ones and only 2 or 3 HORRIBLE ones.

I'll never miss paying $65 or more for housefee. Every night was hit or miss and not making your housefee back could be very, very depressing. I remember often hearing about many girls crying because they hadn't made their housefee back. Some were so desperate to hang on to nightshift that they'd tip out the greedy manager and anyone else even if it meant they'd leave the club empty handed. One of the clubs I had worked at changed their rules so now you MUST have your housefee when you walk in or you won't be allowed to work. What makes it so hard is you then have to walk in with double the amount to pay the following night! It didn't help matters if you had to pay valet or pay to park anywhere else and then put gas in your car.

Another thing I don't miss about dancing is freezing my ass off every night, trying to find something decent to eat if I got hungry (not all housemoms bring in decent food and I just didn't want to touch anything that some of the dancers had their hands on (a number of them weren't exactly the cleanest of people), inhaling 2nd hand smoke is another thing I'm happy to be away from along with the awful things those rotten heels eventually do to your body. Sometimes I wonder about the women I've overheard complain about their hips or knees. Some have no idea that they're in pain because of those platforms (and some clubs literally don't give a damn about ones health). You can look sexy in low heels if you wear the right outfit. But when your body has just had enough, it's time to retire and do something else. And let's hear it for not having to go on stage when you don't feel like it and not having to pay extra to stay off stage.


I was a dancer for a good while before quitting to get into camming. The only thing I miss about dancing was that I did make more money doing that than camming, but there were too many cons to where I would never go back.

I worked at a horrible club since it was the closest club to me, an hour commute each way, so that was always a pain. You had to come in with your house fee every night. Calling out if you were sick, being late, or car trouble meant a 150 fine on top of your house fee of 50 dollars.

Sure lap dances were a 100 dollars per song, but the managers actually encouraged customers to touch us any where in the back as long as there was not any penetration. I also did not like wearing 6 inch platforms and a dress all night, the only attire allowed for strippers.

Camming is so much better by far! Make pretty good money and don't have to worry about being groped. I can wear what I want and work when I want in the convenience of my own home. Hope to eventually get a pole once I get a bigger place. Do miss the pole dancing part.