I've read too many sad stories about new models getting discouraged by trolls or not being able to even earn 50$ a week during their first 6 months camming/making adult content causing them to quit.
What's your top 3 advice for new models in 2021?
If you started out today with zero followers online - what would you do differently?
I've been on OnlyFans for about a year, but I will be starting over since my page is filled with freeloaders begging for free custom stuff (since my page is free). It's highly discouraging having to ignore beggars and rude messages wanting me to do things that I'm not comfortable with. I plan on making my page premium and posting higher quality content every day/every other day.
What's a good monthly subscription price? Maybe 9.99 or 12.99?
What's your top 3 advice for new models in 2021?
If you started out today with zero followers online - what would you do differently?
I've been on OnlyFans for about a year, but I will be starting over since my page is filled with freeloaders begging for free custom stuff (since my page is free). It's highly discouraging having to ignore beggars and rude messages wanting me to do things that I'm not comfortable with. I plan on making my page premium and posting higher quality content every day/every other day.
What's a good monthly subscription price? Maybe 9.99 or 12.99?