Imlive seems like there are certain price points which seem to be popular


Full Member
Imlive seems like there are certain price points which seem to be popular. For example, on SM, lots of girls set it to $1.99 or $3.99 per minute. Customers are used to paying those prices, there is a market for each price. Setting your rate at $2.99 for example wouldn't be profitable, because its too expensive for the customers who are used to paying $1.99. Those that are willing to pay $2.99, will probably pay 3.99. That being said, all you need to do is look at what the other girls are charging and see what's popular with the successful ones.

Wal-mart (and a lot of other places I'm sure) does a lot of research on price points, which numbers are popular to the customer. They have even found that some numbers are even more visually appealing to the eye. That's why they have weird numbers like 1.88, the round eights and symmetry have been proven to be more popular in focus groups.