Yeah...I've noticed that most are not Male model friendly too, which sucks because they get great traffic and there is DEFINITELY a market for male models. I'm indy, but I always keep more than one backup plan in effect at all times to make sure that there is money always coming in...hell...I'm not doing this for free ;-)
Twitter is GREAT for advertising, but alot of work so if that is the route you're going then make sure you have a great app to help boost your efforts. I use SocialBro and Manageflitter.
Niteflirt is good can set up your ads and even use your availability button on your site to let visitors know when you're live...and I think there's an 80-20 cut with them (don't quote me tho).
I've been getting alot of guys from Skypeepshow lately as well. Be sure to check to see if they accept Male models.
I place ads on BackPage for free (depending on the location), and don't forget link exchanges with other cammers.
When you're ready to take the plunge just accept payments from your site. Zombaio & CCBill are great options (I use Zombaio cuz there is no $500 monthly cost to cover Mastercard/Visa...but the chargeback is HIGH $35).
I'm on Skyprivate...honestly I've booked one show thru them...shrugs...