internet modeling/streammate


Sr. Member
Is anyone else sick of internet modeling? When I first started with them I was making good money. But now all I get is 15%. I never make it on the front page anymore even though I always have 5 star ratings and 20+ guys in my room. I think they pick there favorites to put on the front and let them do whatever they want. I have seen girls raffle dildos, smoke pot and everything. Last week I did 28 private shows and only made $38, and my rate is $3.99 a min. Am I the only one that's going through this


Sr. Member
Internet modeling is a studio so.... Do a search on the subject and you'll fin a lot about them. Not just here, but even around the web. You'll even find some ways to get out from the studio. I think I'll write an article about it. Tomorrow, when I'm sober


Sr. Member
I would find a way to get out from under the studio. Studios rip you off most of the time and give advice that actually hurts you and benefits them. You're under contract so you won't be able to make money under the sites that are listed on your contract until it's over but there are plenty of other sites you could get by on in the mean time.

It's also the summer slump right now so I think most girls are making a little bit less.