Keeping the room lively


Sr. Member
So been doing this less than a week, I'm only on CB for now. I've had a few shows with moderate success. Not a lot of money made, which I fully expected a slowish start. But I did get a BUNCH of followers so that's promising!
My downfall is -- what should I do when no one in the room is interacting with me? I do a fair bit of flashing and teasing to draw interest, but Idon't want to wind up just giving away totally free shows My issue is that I'll have a hundred viewers in the room and NONE of them are interacting in any way, even just chatting. I try to get people to chat and liven things up, give me things to do and talk about etc because I don't wanna be an awkward face sitting there on camera.
Anyone have any tips/tricks or games they play to keep people interested and possibly get people to interact, even just a little so that there's something more going on?


Sr. Member
I had this same problem and at first I would really get awkward and freeze up and it would kill my vibe for the whole night. Tonight I just got tired of it so I turned on my youtube playlist, started singing and dancing off and on and started doin my own thing and it made people start reaching out to me. Im not sure what it is but it seemed to work. If you find out anything else let me know and good luck!!


Sr. Member
yeah ,putting on some music def made me a lot more loosened up. My voice has been out so singing isn't quite an option yet, but I've been kinda hanging out dancing around and teasing some which is generally fine, I just still have no real interaction so people join my room, see that nothing's going on and I'm just kinda chillin doing my own thing, and leave. and I'm like I will legit talk to yall and play games and stuff I just need someone to TALK!! I' legit about to grab books and start reading out loud to people lmfao!!