Leaking photos of you threw your webcam


Jr. Member
I’ve just typed in my stage name pressed images and google gives me a load of photos that have been taken by my camera during shows or when I’m just sitting there waiting on shows not even looking at the camera. They are plastered all over google. Even tho I have geo blocked my location by the site they were leaked from.


I think there was one more. Are using about 5 other sites that take photos of you with your camera ans post them all over the internet leading customers back to a weird version of your profile. The photos are horrendous. I’m slouched over in a few. Double chins. Looking bored or totally naked with a toy in me. And they want you to pay DMCA $200 to take them down.
These sites also claim we are abusing DMCA and tell people how to legally leak our images we haven’t even taken ourselves or know about. Go on google your stage name ans press images if you work on any of these sites. Let me know in the comments how you got on.