Liz Post on SW regarding Streamate Issues


Sr. Member
Hey all,
Liz posted the following on Stripper Web, I don't know if everyone checks that forum too so here it is, I think it's pretty interesting:

Hi everyone Liz with Streamate here.

I know you are all wondering what is going on and I don't want to add to already elevated frustrations. So I wanted to make my first official SW post (after all this time) to address this really important issue. Your reports have helped and we are listening to you. As you know, we do not do a lot of public announcements, and will communicate any further information to you as we get it, you have our word.

During the past week, Streamate started experiencing heavy technical issues that have continued for several days. We are reaching out to keep you updated on this situation.

As soon as the issue hit on Saturday, our team got to work to find the problem and mitigate damage. We have now identified the problem and the worst of the issues should be over. Unfortunately, there's no single fix and our team continues to work to resolve the issue and improve stability. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we fully resolve the issues.

Your experience at Streamate Models is important to us and we want to make this right. We know this is personally affecting many of you. As soon as we're sure the issue is fixed, we will be making an important announcement for all Streamate performers who went through this with us.

We appreciate your patience throughout this time and apologize for the inconvenience. Stay tuned over the next few days for further updates as we have them.