Looking for a better traffic/selling clips based store


Jr. Member
Okay we have been with Clips4Sale since 2007 and initially we did awesome on them around $2K a month. Through the years the sales have went down and down. It is not for lack of content or lack of uploading. It just seems to me the site is so saturated that being found is rough. I have tried other sites rude (never did well on there) kink something (didnt like them at all). I am looking for a site that I can make around $100 ish per week. If I upload regularly content is not a problem. I want a site that has good traffic but is not as saturated with stores as Clips4Sale is. Any ideas?


Jr. Member
here is the problem what was fetish is now more main stream. We have girl girl, lots of solo girl with fetishes such as balloons, inflatable, giantess, feet, body worship etc. We get great reviews on our movies the issue we are having with clips is we are not getting found on there. Social media does not seem to work that well to draw people in. Even when I was running a blog, email and social media campaign we were only getting around $60 a month. Our issue on clips is like our issue across board getting traffic to actually see our product.