Hi alisonbelle. I'm no authority here and the ladies certainly will have sites for what you are looking for. My experience is that, if worded carefully and precisely vague, posting on Craigslist community, Doublelist girls for guys or any type of similar classified site or forum will get you plenty of responses if you prove you are real and not some random guy catfishing for pics and content. Situations wanted ads, in general, can work perfectly if you state your intent clearly and consistently from the beginning onward. Like, for example, you wanted to charge nerds $200 a day to be their girlfriend online for four hours, sending them nudes and sexy talk. There is a HUGE market for that on chan boards, MGTOW boards, pickup boards, and on and on. You'd give the incels the attention they desperately need and they'll gladly keep the money rolling in for you. These guys need some attention from someone and by providing it, you help them, you help yourself and you help the world at large by moving some brilliant minds to do something more than just mope about how much life sucks and how they are just losers. You may inspire the next Nikola Tesla to get off his ass and put his invention to market. If I was a female cam model, I would absolutely go this route. The internet is amazing and one little spark like having a pretty girl be nice to them could spark the next great innovation to make the world better. No pressure though, Nikki, haha! I exaggerate, maybe.