Members ask for meeting in real life


i am a cam girl for a long time, i have been on many different websites but story is there same everywhere.
guys come to my room, spend time with me, tips in public or privates, and then ask for meeting in real life, if i reject carefully then leave and never come back again, if i say "i don't know, maybe someday" they stay but keep asking about meeting all the time "so, are you ready? when we meet?" and so on.
but as soon as they understand meeting will never happen, they leave and never come back.
i don't know why is that happening? why it can't be as simple as online fun without real life?
if you girls have the same problem, how do you deal with it?


I get this as well . In my younger days I did meet a online customer when I was stripping he met me at the club and it was a semi safe environment at the time. These days my offline life I am an escort, so sometimes there is this annoying cross over of guys in my room who know my other persona or some who want to meet just because they have seen all my videos and been watching me on cam for 10 years.

I always tell them I like to keep things professional and keep communication on here. Yes there is a chance I could lose them as an online customer, and even some risk of them finding my escort persona but at least I know online I set my boundaries and stick with them.

You might lose them as an online customer but you will also be getting new ones.