MFC Share- Titles, Tags and Descriptions

Hello! I am a fairly new model and I'm looking for hints, tricks and tips on building my MFC share albums successfully.

Currently I try to cram as many keywords as I can into the actual video title. I then write a long sexy, enticing description.

I noticed that most other models vids have a short, sassy title- such as "what happens next", "squirt squirt", etc... Is there a reason for that? Is it better to leave mystery to the vid than to fully describe it? When customers search keywords to find vids do they find me via Title, keywords and description?

Would love help with this and any other advice for Mfc share. All I've been able to find on here so far is mostly related to pricing.

Thanks so much in advance for any and all responses!
I am new to MFC, so take it as you will, I noticed the more popular models don't bother with descriptive titles. As a new model I have been utilizing tags and titles and it seems to work. I only use a few of the most popular terms as words like "pretty" or "sexy" are too common. I have had several great tippers who found me on MFC share. I use words like "allnatural" "hairyarmpits" as they are more unique and descriptive. I also link to a tip menu on MFC Share and it has boosted my rank. After only a week on MFC I moved up to #917 on MFC share by pushing ppl to use the tip menu.

I don't know for sure that this is the best way but it seems to be working so far. Experienced models may be able to add a bit more insight.