Not Sure If Anyone Mentioned This Before...but SoftCups are AMAZING


Sr. Member
If it's ever that time of the month and you're wondering what you can do as far as camming goes, you can get SoftCups at most local grocery stores, i.e. CVS, Walgreens etc. These things are amazing, instead of having to worry bout using a tampon and hiding the string, if you do decide to cam when B.O.B is in town (Bloody Old Bitch!), you slip this thing in and it holds back any liquid for 12 hours!!

I feel like I'm doing a commercial for them right now LOL, but seriously they work so well that I had to share with everyone. You can have sex with them in and they stay in place because they apparently mold around your cervix kinda like how a diaphram would. My boyfriend (The Beast) tells me he can only notice it when we're doing certain positions otherwise he can't feel it.

Random post I know lol, but figured I would share this with everyone as it's been an amazing help not only in my personal life but in the camming world as well.