Onlyfans advive


i finilly decided to create onlyfans and of course i wanna make it worth! . is any of you promoting it on your instagram? I have instagram with over 40 k folowers, 80% guys from other countries, not Romania ...i know that if ill add it there ill get lotsss subscribes but i dont want all the world to know about me beeing naked on onlyfans , im not ready to be that exposed . So my ideea is to deleate my pics, to add a model who wanna colaborate , promote this insta account more , and in case she isnt serios and she doenst wanna do it anymore , just deleate her pics and add another model? I wanna use this instagram since got so much potential but i dont know wich is the best way to do it,, any advice anyone? thanks ?
Promoting Onlyfans on Instagram is not allowed and they will ban your account. Some people get away with it, but I wouldn't risk it. Your best bet is to make sure all your insta people follow you on Twitter and then just put your OF info on your Twitter.