Onlyfans Personal Payment Methods


What kind of payment method do most people use? I have an Onlyfans account and want to subscribe to a model. But I am very hesitant to put in my personal debit card as payment because I have heard so many horror stories of people being overcharged and scammed. Some people have said that they have lost hundreds of dollars due to this problem. And supposedly the Onlyfans support team is a joke. I've read that they will take weeks to months to reply then normally deny any refunds. I've thought about using a prepaid card but some say only personal debit and credit cards work. Any help would be appreciated.


Sr. Member
This is just me, but I use Pre-Paid Visa's. It makes more sense to go out and buy one of those every month rather than let some moron accidentally double charge the card I pay my bills with. I know there's also services that make you card numbers that you can load money on to, but I have no idea what their named.