Price for a Custom Head-Shaving Video?


Jr. Member
I was asked for a custom video of me shaving my head and I'm comfortable with this but don't know how much to charge for this?

The video will probably be 30-45 mins in length and will also involve teasing in lingerie, nudity and masturbation.

(If I posted this in the wrong place I apologize! I'm still learning how to use this forum!)


Jr. Member
well i would personally ask a 4000 $ at least because , growing the hair and staying bald for 1 year its not something that everyone wants , plus this is something very rare to find. I mean how many ladys out there would shave their head for a custom lol , and wait 1 year for the hair to grow ?! Not many i guess , because if is someone like me i would take 2 full years to grow my hair to shoulders ... so yeah ...