Pricing Guidelines


I know there is no hard and fast rule for pricing but what are some of the things that you think of when setting your prices?

SM allows 10 price changes in a 24 hour time frame. That seems like a lot of time to change your price to me so I know I'm missing something with pricing.

I lowered our by minute rate to 1 GOLD when I needed some good ratings. That worked well but I wouldn't leave it that low for long.

Lately, I've been slowly raising my price each time we got on for the day to see if people would comment on it or actually go for it.

SM has the option for GOLD shows (you must maintain a star rating to have the ability) and then basically the room all puts in a minimum amount of GOLD to try and reach the goal and then the shows goes.

I always have a hard time deciding how much to charge. I always VERY clearly stipulate what will be happening in the show. That helps them know what they are paying for and they know how long the show will be.

Private and Exclusive are harder for to know what to set it to any tips or stories would be appreciated.