Oh that's so common! What sucks is that they drive you mad but they still talk calm..so you can't even fight with them lol. they either give evasive or unclear answers..or they say that's not up to them or stuff...and i just wanna say "are you stupid? if you don't fix that you won't be making money either" but when support is a different person than the owner they really have no reason to care...they get their salary anyway.
another problem is when they have a lot of different support employees like iFriends does..and u talk to one...tell them your issue..they say they'll see about it..then nothing happens..and you have to contact them again..and talk to a different person and tell that person the issue all over again and you get the same basic answer and nothing ever gets fixed.
i already had some rants about chats with actual owners and i posted them on the forum a while back.. owners are a lot more rude and say things that will actually blow your mind..like..you read smth on their FAQ ot TOS and refer them to that basically ask them to enforce that and they call you stupid or tell you to learn English lol.