Santa Barbara


Hey everyone (but especially US camgirls),

I'm sure that by now pretty much everyone (at least in the states) has heard about the mass shooting in Santa Barbara and read all about the attacker and all about his (fucking detestable) manifesto.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has felt that this has made working...hard. Kind of scary.

I mean, those "lonely" guys that feel like they can't get any women in real life and are so desperately focused on sex...those are our customers. At least, a lot of them. And I feel like we get used to blowing off the guys who are obviously misogynists and saying rude shit like "blah blah fuck yourself like the little slut you are blah blah bet you like my cock huh blah blah how many men have you slept with whore" because whatever dude keep talking you're paying for it thanks for taking care of my rent. But for the past few days any time someone talks like that it just makes me feel so nervous and unsafe. Yesterday someone with the screen name "AlphaMale01" or some shit like that popped into my room and I couldn't help but panic a little bit.

I don't know if this has come up for anyone else. But if it has, maybe this could be a good thread to talk about it with other people who'll get it.
I think mysogony is rampant, and the Internet and the way that adult sites advertise, really does nothing to counter the feelings of entitlement in guys prone to this kind of thought process.
Is it porn's duty to be a police officer or therapist?

I protect myself the best that I can. This means that, besides a stage name, I have a UPS box registered under my initials in a different city than where I live in, and I get everything sent there.

I also try to prevent fucktards from escalating by immediately banning anyone who comes into my room talking like that, banning anyone I have a bad gut feeling about, and just in general being very liberal with blocking and banning across my social media.

Finally, I do not hang with other girls who are not as careful with their safety as I am with mine. Last year I had the awful experience of getting involved with a girl who led her stalker/extorter to me, and things could have been much worse (luckily he was only obsessed with her).

When I get trolls and random hate, which I have, I document it and research the troll as much as possible. For the pathetically common "I wish someone would rape and murder you for wearing furs" - I contact that person's employer if I can and send them screenshots.

I have no problem with someone voicing their opinion about my furs, or even trying to get me not to wear them. Your opinion is your opinion, and obviously the opposite of mine. It crosses the line when they send me death threats, tell others to go rape me, etc.